At EGS Advanced Energy Solutions, we believe in a strategized approach to energy management.
We use our energy expertise to help you navigate through the vast range of available energy products and develop an energy strategy that best suits your business needs and risk tolerance.
Procuring energy in a deregulated market can be a daunting and confusing task; However, we work closely with you through every step of the process to cut through the jargon and help you understand the options that are available to you and enable you to grow your business with budget certainty and peace of mind.
EGS has worked diligently to build the close relationships with our suppliers that enable us to receive exclusive pricing options. We also leverage these relationships during the contract negotiation process to ensure you get the best terms and contract language.
Our dedicated team of energy professionals will provide you with a balanced understanding of market conditions to provide an even-keeled process from start to finish.
When making electricity or natural gas procurement decisions, EGS Advanced Energy Solutions takes into consideration all the factors from your current energy consumption profile to your projected future use of energy. EGS Advanced Energy Solutions works with you to provide cost-effective and reliable energy advisory services for Electricity and Natural Gas Procurement.
EGS Advanced Energy Solutions works with you to determine the best electricity and natural gas supply products. The energy markets are more complex than ever, including product choices such as:
- Fixed Price
- Block and Index option
- Layering Energy Block option
- 100% Market Index or Float Price
- Variable LMP Index Price
- Aggregation “Pool” Pricing
- Actively managed product
- NYMEX “plus basis” product
- Strike Price and “triggering” services
Our knowledge and experience in evaluating, qualifying, and selecting the correct mix of regional and national energy suppliers ensure that the competitive energy markets work best for you.
Reverse Auctions
Our strategy of conducting reverse auctions helps our customers achieve getting the best price for their energy by having the suppliers compete for their business. Our energy platform allows you to watch in real-time as suppliers submit offers. With our industry experts at your side every step of the way to help you understand the suppliers’ offers and weigh your organization’s needs, you can rest assured that you will be getting the best value for your money.